The quick way
Update: the settings below can now be automatically updated using StageNow on Zebra devices:
The not-so-quick way
InFormed uses the Zebra DataWedge scanning services to make use of the laser scanner found on compatible devices.
Installation Instructions
To enable DataWedge scanning services for an app, perform the following steps on an Android device:
- Install InFormed Software from the PlayStore. App APK is available on request if the device cannot connect to the Play Store.
- Start DataWedge app and navigate to the Profiles list (if not shown by default).
- Tap on the Profiles screen's "hamburger" menu and select -> New profile.
- Enter a name for the Profile and tap OK. The new Profile appears in the Profiles list.
- Tap on the new profile.
- InFormed Software from the Applications section.
- In the Hamburger menu, select -> New app/activity. A list of installed apps appears.
- Select your app's package name (scrolling down, if necessary).
- Tap the asterisk (*) to associate all of your app's activities with DataWedge.
- Tap the device's Back button until the new Profile's Settings screen appears.
- Confirm that the "Profile enabled" checkbox is checked.
- As needed, confirm that the Barcode Input and Keystroke Output checkboxes are checked.
- Intent output
Enabled: make sure is enabled (tick)
Intent action: com.informed_app.ACTION - Intent delivery
Broadcast intent - IP output
Remote Wedge: make sure is enabled (tick)
Test and adjust input, processing (data formatting) and output parameters as necessary.
The app will now use DataWedge for barcode data acquisition.
Full details can be found here: